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Il Selvatico / The Wild


The Wild represents freedom, the return to nature and rejection of social conventions that harness the spirit of the archaic man, is the link between nature and culture

Handprinted with organic colors by Medulla with 2 layers: mixed Chlorophyll Extract, Rubia, Indigo and Graphite
100 copies limited edition
Signed and numbered
SKU: SELV Category: Size: 35x50 cm
Colors: mixed Chlorophyll Extract, Rubia, Indigo and Graphite
Paper: Arctic Paper Munken Print 300g/m²
Limited Edition: 100 copies signed and numbered by the artist
Product ID: 21529


The Wild (feral) is a popular mythological figure in the Italian alpine areas. First inhabitant of the Alps is shepherd, farmer, beekeeper, an expert in the art of cheese and deep knowledge of the secrets of nature. A benevolent character he teaches his mountain survival skills to man kind, but ends up being the victim of their jokesand decides to disappear forever. The Wild represents freedom, the return to nature and rejection of social conventions that harness the spirit of the archaic man, is the link between nature and culture. The design is a re-elaborated of the etched engraving by Giovannino De Grassi taken from famous notebook (XIV c.).

Il selvatico è una figura mitologica diffusa nelle zone alpine italiane.
Primo abitatore delle alpi è pastore, agricoltore, apicoltore, esperto dell’arte casearia e profondo conoscitore dei segreti della natura. Di indole benevola è rimasto vittima degli scherzi degli uomini ai quali aveva insegnato come sopravvivere in montagna ed è sparito per sempre.
Il selvatico rappresenta la libertà, il ritorno alla natura e il rifiuto di convenzioni sociali che imbrigliano lo spirito arcaico dell’uomo, è anello di congiunzione tra natura e cultura.
Il disegno è una rielaborazione dell’incisione di Giovannino De Grassi tratta dal famoso taccuino (XIV sec.)

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 40 × 55 × 3 cm

35×50 cm


mixed Chlorophyll Extract, Rubia, Indigo and Graphite


Arctic Paper Munken Print 300g/m²

Limited Edition

100 copies signed and numbered by the artist

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